Saturday, March 1, 2014

18. Education

That sucks the Bill Nye app is not available on the Android platform. I remember him fondly from my childhood. The days when I only got the French-Canadian channel and PBS. I may have to borrow a friend's Apple product, or use the iPad on the bookmobile to check this app out.

But for now Advanced English Dictionary & Thesaurus app is good enough. I used dictionaries and thesauruses a lot in college but not as much anymore. They are still handy to use especially if you can't think of a synonymy to something you already know, but want to change things up a bit. This reminds me of yet another childhood show...

The B-Rhymes one would be great for writing poetry. I was never very good at rhyming things so this would have definitely come in handy. The iTranslate would have been great for high school Spanish. I always thought that the subject was pretty easy, but lets face it, when learning a new language it can be pretty challenging until you get the hang of it. It makes me wonder where my English to Spanish dictionary is...

The Google Earth one was just in its infancy when I was in landscape architecture school. When designing for a site we would blow up the aerial view of the place in question and go from there. It sure made figuring out the size and shape of the area we were working on that much easier.

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